On the defense of a dissertation

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The Ph.D. (Philology) thesis by Serbin Vladimir Alexeevich (Federal State budget military educational institution of higher education “The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”) on the theme “Military Terminology in Aspects of Systemic Education (the Example of the Vietnamese Language)”[1]

The defense of the thesis for specialty 10.02.19 “Linguistic Theory” took place on 30.11.2021 at the session of the Dissertation Council D 215.005.01 of the Military University on the base of FSBMEI HE “The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” (Fig. 1). The dissertation by V.A. Serbin is a complex research of the military term formation system, structural and semantic ways of term formation on material of military terminology of modern Vietnamese. The relevance and practical importance of the dissertation are due to the fact that the problem of formation and functioning of the military terminology in modern Vietnamese has not yet been researched either in domestic, or foreign Vietnamese studies.


Fig. 1. Dissertation candidate with a report at the session of the Dissertation Council.

Photo of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The dissertation represents a fairly complete analysis of problems in current domestic science of terminology which serves the base for the specification of military terminology of the Vietnamese language. The essence of the work is the multidimensional analysis of the formal structure of military terms, the description of the structure of the special lexical unit, structural ways of terms formation, such as the word formation, affixation, abbreviation, as well as the way of term formation using function words, typical of analytical languages. Besides, the author has analyzed the mechanisms of semantic military terms’ formation, specialization of common words’ meanings and determinologization of terms, together with the phenomena of metaphorization, narrowing and extension of lexical units’ meanings. Also, the research-work addresses the question of the enrichment of the military terminological system while borrowing from foreign languages.

The work with theoretical and practical material allowed the author of the dissertation to introduce a significant amount of scientific linguistical information into linguistic theory and domestic Vietnamese studies. Earlier this information on the formation of Vietnamese military terms and their functioning was not available to Russian linguists.

Academic adviser: Boyko Boris Leonidovich, D.Sc. (Philology), Professor, Chair of German languages’ studies at Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Leading organization: FSBEI HE “Saint Petersburg State University”.


Sorokina Elvira Anatolievna, D.Sc. (Philology), Professor, Chair of English Philology at the Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow State Regional University;

Mavleeva Daria Vladimirovna, Ph.D. (Philology), Senior Lecturer, Chair of Oriental Languages, Moscow State Linguistic University.

Main Publications on the Dissertation Theme

  1. Serbin V.A. (2020). Abbreviatury vo v’etnamskoy voennoy leksike: sposoby obrazovaniya i sfery upotrebleniya [Abbreviations in Vietnam Military Vocabulary: Methods of Formation and Areas of Application]. Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 4 (3):79–93.
  2. Serbin V.A. (2021). Semanticheskie osobennosti perevoda voinskikh zvany vo v’etnamskom yazyke [Semantic Features of the Translation of Military Ranks in the Vietnamese Language]. Litera, 2: 30–41.
  3. Serbin V.A. (2021). O zaimstvovaniyakh v voennoy terminologii sovremennogo v’etnamskogo yazyka [On Loan Words in Military Terminology of Modern Vietnamese]. Litera, 1: 110–124.
  4. Serbin V.A. (2021). Semanticheskoe terminoobrazovanie vo v’etnamskom yazyke (na primere voennoy terminosistemy) [Semantic Term Formation in the Vietnamese Language (the Example of the Military Term System]. Vestnik MGLU. Gumanitarnye nauki, 10 (852): 140151.

Serbin V.A., Kalinin O.I. (2021). Metaforizatsiya terminov v’etnamskogo yazyka (na primere voennoy terminosistemy) [Metaphorization of Vietnam language terms (on the example of the military terminological system]. Nezavisimy V’etnam: natsional’nye interesy i tsennosti [Independent Vietnam: National Interests and Values]. Moscow: IDV RAN: 392–409.


1 The thesis by V.A. Serbin was tested also on the pages of the “Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies”, and in collections issued by the Center for Vietnam and ASEAN Studies of IFES RAS (see Main Publications). This shows the new opportunities for young researchers due to the collaboration with the Center for Vietnam and ASEAN Studies



Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Dissertation candidate with a report at the session of the Dissertation Council.

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