The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies

The quarterly peer-review academic journal.



  • Center for Vietnam and ASEAN Studies of the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


The journal publishes original papers on various fields of Vietnamese studies: politics, economics, society, history, culture, philology, as well as reviews of scientific conferences dedicated to Vietnam, information on the defense of dissertations in Vietnamese studies, the most important official documents, book reviews about Vietnam and articles on leading Russian and Vietnamese scientists in this field.

The audience of the journal is scientists and academicians working in the area of Vietnamese studies, teachers and university students, as well as anyone interested in Vietnam.

Mission of the journal: integrate the results of scientific work of Russian and foreign scientists in various fields of Vietnamese studies into the international scientific space, be an international platform for scientific discussion, acquaint scientists and everyone interested in Vietnam with the latest research, scientific events and the latest literature about Vietnam.

Main research fields:

  • Historical sciences and archeology
  • Economic Sciences
  • Philological sciences (Literary criticism; Linguistics)
  • Sociological sciences
  • Political science
  • Culturology



  • Quarterly
  • Bilingual (accepts and publishes full-text manuscripts in English and Russian)
  • Platinum Open Access distribution model
  • No APC
  • CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence.

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卷 8, 编号 1 (2024)

Scientific researches

Maneuvers in Vietnamese-Chinese relations against the back-ground of the US-Chinese confrontation in the region
Butko A.

The article is devoted to the assessment of dynamics and nature of relations between Vietnam and China against the background of events taking place in the region and the world. The main attention in this work is paid to a new stage of bilateral cooperation, which began with the creation of a «Community with a shared future that carries strategic significance», to the reasons for the stated deepening of interaction between Vietnam and China in the context of the US-Chinese confrontation.

Despite the publication of many works devoted to various aspects of relations between these two countries, the large dynamics of events taking place in Southeast Asia requires additional research aimed at rethinking old and revealing new trends.

The article is based on an analysis of the recent China-Vietnam joint statement (December 2023) and its comparison with other similar documents – the China-Vietnam statement of 2022, the US-Vietnam and Japan-Vietnam statements of 2023. This method allows us to more accurately assess the current state of Vietnamese-Chinese relations and predict their further development.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):7-21
pages 7-21 views
The Characteristics of the Political Culture of Modern Vietnam
Kalmykov I.

The article examines the complex of historical and cultural conditions which have determined the current state of Vietnam's political culture. The author uses Talcott Parsons' definition of “political culture” and analyzes its main elements in relation to Vietnam. The article presents key aspects of the formation of the political culture of Vietnam, features of the political culture of modern Vietnam, as well as views on the legitimacy of the rule of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Factors contributing to the preservation of the authoritarian political system were identified, the prospects for possible democratic transition were assessed.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):22-37
pages 22-37 views
Impacts of the US-China Trade Tension and RCEP on Vietnam-China Trade Balance
Tu T., Chu T., Truong T.

The paper aims to analyze the trade balance between Vietnam and China and assess the impact of its key determinants, with a focus on the US-China trade war, using the autoregressive distributed lag model for quarterly data from Q1 2009 to Q4 2022. The statistical analysis shows that although Vietnam's trade balance with China shows increasing deficits, the US-China trade war has a positive impact on Vietnam as its export-import ratio with China increases in both the long and short run. We also find that the impact of participation in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is positive but not statistically significant. We also find evidence that several factors have a positive and significant impact on the trade balance, including Vietnam's growth rate, Vietnam's industrial production index, and China's population. On the other hand, some factors, such as the exchange rate between Chinese yuan and Vietnamese dong and the population of Vietnam, are found to have a significant negative impact. These findings can provide evidence to help Vietnamese businesses and policymakers formulate trade policies with China, especially in the current complex geopolitical context.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):38-51
pages 38-51 views
Poverty among Indigenous Women in the Central Highlands of Vietnam: a Critical Analysis
Vu T., Kim A., Le M.

Poverty characterizes the lives of indigenous women in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Due to a lack of opportunities and resources, indigenous women become more socially vulnerable. We argue that there is a reciprocal relationship between collective social change and the likelihood of ethnic minority women in the Central Highlands escaping poverty. The data presented in this paper was collected from our 2019 ministerial-level scientific research study on creating a poverty reduction model for indigenous women in the Central Highlands, based on a sustainable livelihood framework. Historically, change occurs when individuals are part of a collective. Our findings suggest that the motivation to escape poverty increases collective action through social work, a strategy to overcome poverty.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):52-65
pages 52-65 views
Vietnam's Foreign Trade in the second half of the XIX century and Russian Foreign Trade Interests
Shkunov V.

The article is devoted to the problems of the development of Vietnam's foreign trade relations during the second half of the XIX century. The analysis of the main foreign trade partners of Vietnam, the range of export and import, supply channels, volumes of foreign trade turnover, prices is presented. Special attention is paid to the policy of the European powers on the development of Vietnam's foreign trade relations. The main approaches of the Vietnamese authorities and traders to the organization of foreign trade relations with neighboring and European countries are noted. The characteristics of the main centers of trade in Vietnam, the peculiarities of the organization of trade in export and import goods, as well as the transportation of goods by land, sea and river routes are given. The views and approaches of the Russian authorities and entrepreneurs to the development of foreign trade relations of the Russian Empire with Vietnam are revealed. In particular, information is provided on the entry of Russian ships into the ports of Vietnam, as well as on the supply channels of Vietnamese goods to the Russian market. The article is based mainly on pre-revolutionary sources in Russian, French, English, Spanish and Vietnamese.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):66-80
pages 66-80 views
Rites for/of Power: Research on the Harmony of Three Teachings in Vietnam during the Former LL (LL SB) Dynasty (1428—1527)
Le D., Tran T.

This article studies the harmony of Three Teachings in Dai Viet during the period of the Former Lê dynasty (Lê Sơ period) (1428–1527). Most of the previous studies have suggested that Lê Sơ was the period advocating for the monopoly of Confucianism and rejecting Buddhism and Taoism. However, this article will prove that the Lê Sơ dynasty was thoroughly using Confucian classics under the Song dynasty, applying the model of Confucian state of the Great Ming dynasty, while still developing management policies on Taoism and Buddhism. The The Convergence of Three Teachings was a dynastic policy, in which Confucianism played a major role in ideological, political and cultural activities, while Buddhism and Taoism played a supporting role in ritual and religious activities of the dynasty and folklore. The results show that the The Convergence of Three Teachings is a constant of Vietnamese history from the Lý – Trần dynasties onward. The Lê Sơ royal court both developed Confucian cultural institutions and managed Buddhist and Taoist monasteries, temples and rituals. This can also be considered the foundation for the Three Teachings to come together in the later stages.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):81-93
pages 81-93 views
The Expression of Vietnamese Folk Art in the Painting Series “Technique du Peuple Annamite”
Pham H.

Vietnamese folk painting art, a traditional art form, is the quintessence of the nation's cultural heritage and historical significance, expressing rustic beauty but containing a Vietnamese culturally conscious mind. In order to preserve the typical beauty in the daily life of ancient Vietnamese people, a genre of folk painting rich in visual art and meaning appeared in the early 20th century. That expression is a set of paintings in an ethnographic research work by Henri Oger, a French scholar. The "Technique du peuple Annamite" series of paintings was produced in large quantities by Vietnamese artisans and reflects the daily life of the Vietnamese people in the capital Hanoi and the Red River Delta. This research was conducted to clarify the elements that create the folk character of the painting from the perspective of visual arts. The results of this study show that the paintings, from themes to forms of expression, all reflect the quintessence of Vietnamese folk art.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):94-109
pages 94-109 views
Borrowing and Historical Evolution of Tales and Fables about the Wonderful Hero in the Folklore Traditions of Vietnamese Peoples
Minina I.

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the fairy-tale plot about a wonderful child in the form of a theriomorphic or phytomorphic creature in the folklore of the Viet, Hmong, Cham, Sedang, Stieng, Thai ethnic groups inhabiting the territory of modern Vietnam, as well as in folklore of other peoples of the Far East. Through the study, the methods of structural, typological and comparative analysis of plots, motives and heroes of folklore narratives are used. Hopefully, this approach will help to make assumptions about the ways of borrowing and transforming significant elements of fairy tales in the region. The article examines three Vietnamese fairy-tale texts – “Man Round as a Coconut”, “Magic Turtle” and “Little Turtle”, each of which is compared with both geographically close and distant versions of the narratives.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):110-124
pages 110-124 views

Scientific life

Scientific conference in Memory of an Outstanding Scholar
Nikulina E.

That is the review of the All-Russian scientific conference “Political culture and spiritual values of Vietnam and other countries of Indochina” held at the IAAS of Lomonosov Moscow State, dedicated to the memory of the prominent orientalist Oksana Vladimirovna Novakova, who stood at the origins of domestic Vietnamese studies. In the memorial part of the conference, O. V. Novakova’s colleagues and students shared their memories and revealed various facets of her life and scientific work. The scientific part of the conference covered those topics that interested O. V. Novakova and were reflected in her works.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):125-131
pages 125-131 views
A Complex Story of a Striking Metaphor of Ho Chi Minh
Kolotov V.

The article examines different versions of the translation of one of the most striking political metaphors of Ho Chi Minh about a leech sucking the blood of the proletariat of the metropolis and colonies, as well as errors made during translation to Russian that significantly distort the original meaning. On the centenary of the first publication of this metaphor in the newspaper La Vie Ouvrière, it is proposed to leave the mistakes made in the past and by “correcting the names” to return to the original meaning of the famous Ho Chi Minh metaphor.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):132-137
pages 132-137 views
Dissertations Defence
The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):138-143
pages 138-143 views

Official documents

Joint Statement on the Elevation to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Australia

Приводится текст Совместного заявления премьер-министра СРВ Фам Минь Тиня и премьер-министра Австралии Энтони Альбанезе о повышении уровня вьетнамо-австралийских отношений до всеобъемлющего стратегического партнерства, согласованного в Австралии 7 марта 2024 г.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):144-149
pages 144-149 views


New Book on the History of Soviet-Vietnamese Relations
Konoreva I.

It is a review of the monograph by prof. I.N. Selivanov, dedicated to the influence of the “Yugoslav” and “Albanian” factors on the formation and development of Soviet-Vietnamese relations in the second half of the 1940s – early 1980s. The events in question played an important role in the history of the international communist and labor movement. The author also touches on such an important problem as the specifics of interstate relations within the “camp of socialism” during the period in which I.V. Stalin, N.S. Khrushchev and L.I. Brezhnev was in power in the Soviet Union. The book consists of three main parts, which reveal various aspects of relations between the USSR and Vietnam with Yugoslavia and Albania. A separate section is devoted to consideration of the processes of making foreign policy decisions in the Soviet Union. Each section of the book is provided with a thematic list of sources and illustrations.

The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies. 2024;8(1):150-155
pages 150-155 views
