The defense of the dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of economics by Doan Thi Mai (The International Banking Institute named after Anatoly Sobchak) with the theme “Scientific and Methodical Aspects of the Development of the National Health Insurance System (based on Vietnam)”


The defense of the thesis on specialty 08.00.10 “Finance, money circulation and credit” was held on April 27, 2022 at the Dissertation Council session D 999.076.02 based on the International Banking Institute named after Anatoly Sobchak (IBI) and Emperor Alexander I St Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS).


The defense of the thesis on specialty 08.00.10 “Finance, money circulation and credit” was held on April 27, 2022 at the Dissertation Council session D 999.076.02 based on the International Banking Institute named after Anatoly Sobchak (IBI) and Emperor Alexander I St Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS).

The dissertation analyses problems of improvement of the national health insurance system being a social insurance sub-system in Vietnam. Health insurance is the strategic priority for the achievement of an important goal of the governmental policy in the sphere of public health, being the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the reduction of households’ costs on medical care out of pocket payment. Insufficient health insurance coverage and, as its consequence, the necessity of households’ additional costs on medical care are connected with a number of unresolved economic, organizing, finance, legal and other questions.

The work develops theoretical provisions, methodical and practical recommendations for modernization of health insurance systems adapted to the conditions of developing economies oriented for dealing with specifical institutional, economic, finance, social, cultural-historical and other features. The applications presented in the dissertation can be used when substantiating strategies, programs and other documents oriented for modernization of health insurance system in Vietnam.

Supervisor: Plotnikov Vladimir Alexandrovich, D.Sc. (Economics), Professor of the Chair of General Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought, St Petersburg State Economic University.

Lead organization: Kazan (Volga region) Federal University.


Kadyrov Farit Nakipovich, D.Sc. (Economics), the Advisor to the Director of the Central Research Institute for Health Organizations and Informatics of Public Health;

Yashina Nadezhda Igorevna, D.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head of the Chair of Finance and Credit of N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (National Research University).

Main Publications

  1. Doan, T.M. (2020) Spetsifika razvitiya sistemy meditsinskogo strakhovaniya vo V’etname [Specificity of the Development of Health Insurance System in Vietnam]. Problemy sovremennoy ekonomiki, 4: 144–150.
  2. Doan, T.M. (2020) Urbanizatsiya i starenie naseleniya kak factory transformatsii sistemy meditsinskogo strakhovaniya vo V’etname [Urbanization and Population Ageing as Factors of the National Health Insurance Transformation in Vietnam]. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekonomika. Sotsiologiya. Menedzhment, 6: 270–285.
  3. Doan, T.M., Plotnikov, V.A. (2021) Osobennosti razvitiya meditsinskogo strakhovaniya v usloviyakh pandemii [Health Insurance Development Features amid the Coronavirus Pandemic]. Izvestiya Sankt-Peterburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta, 5: 54–59.
  4. Pisarenko, Zh.V., Doan, T.M. (2021) Dostizhenie vseobshchego okhvata uslugami zdravookhraneniya kak tsel’ social’no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya V’etnama [The Achievement of the Universal Health Coverage as the Goal of Vietnam’s Social and Economic Development]. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 27, 4 (186): 269–280.




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