The defense of the dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate (PhD) in Law by Nguyen Son Nam [the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia] with the theme “The Evolution of the legal regulation of the state and confessional relations in Vietnam”


The defense of the dissertation on specialty 5.1.1 – Theoretical and historical legal sciences was held on December 14, 2022 at the Dissertation Council Session PDS 0900.007 based on the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.


For the first time in Vietnamese legal science the dissertation discusses the evolution of the legal regulation of the state and confessional relations in Vietnam from the historical-legal standpoint in the broad chronological scope, in their making and development.

The work reflects the civilizational and cultural nature of the regulation of the state and confessional relations which should be perceived like cultural transformations in Vietnam and its interaction with other religious cultures, such as Indian and Chinese cultures, Western religious culture, and atheism in the USSR.

The dissertation contains different models of the state and confessional relations, which functioned in different historical periods, and the currently existing model.

The research-work argues the idea that legislative regulation of confessional relations and the state policy can in this respect constructively and efficiently be built but taking into account civilizational grounds, culture and traditions of the Vietnamese people.

The results of the research can serve the ground for improving the legislation on freedom of religion and religious associations in Vietnam, as well as the practice of law enforcement in this sphere.

Supervisor: Nemytina Marina Viktorovna, D.Sc. (Law), Professor, the Department of Public Policy and State and Law History of the Institute for Law of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.


Dorskaya Alexandra Andreevna, D.Sc. (Law), Professor, Head of the Department of the General Theoretical Legal Disciplines of the North-Western Branch of the Russian State University of Justice;

Bespalko Viktor Gennadievich, D.Sc. (Law), Assistant Professor of the Arefieva Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology of National Research University MPEI;

Varlamova Natalia Vladimirovna, Ph.D. (Law), Assistant Professor, Leading Researcher, the RAS Institute of State and Law.

Main Publications

  1. Nguyen, S.N. (2019) Pravovoy status religioznykh organizatsy vo V’etname [The Legal Status of Religious Organizations in Vietnam]. Evraziysky yuridichesky zhurnal, 10 (137): 53–56.
  2. Nguyen, S.N. (2020) Pravovoe regulirovanie gosudarstvenno-konfessional’nykh otnosjeniy vo V’etname c 1945 g. po 1975 g. [The Legal Regulation of the State and Confessional Relations in Vietnam since 1945 to 1975]. Aziatsko-Tikhjookeansky region: ekonomika, politika, parvo, 1: 131–141.
  3. Nguyen, S.N. (2021) Gosudarstvenno-konfessional’nye otnosheniya vo v’etnamskom zakonodatel’stve: aspect gosudarstvennoy otvetstvennosti [The State and Confessional Relations in Vietnam’s Legislation: The Aspect of the State Responsibility]. Vestnik Surgutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2: 116–120.
  4. Nguyen, S.N. (2021) Vopros o “ravenstve” v svobode veroispovedaniya vo V’etname [The Problem of “Equality” in Freedom of Belief and Religion in Vietnam]. Vestnik Yaroslavskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. P.G. Demidova. Series: Gumanitarnye nauki, 3: 418–421.
  5. Nguyen, S.N. (2022) Vozniknovenie i razvitie prava na svobodu veroispovedaniya vo V’etname [Making and Development of the Right for Freedom of Belief and Religion in Vietnam]. Nauchny vestnik Omskoy akademii MVD Rossii, 1: 67–73.
  6. Nguyen, S.N. (2019) Trends in Law on Freedom of Belief and Religion in Vietnam, in: 5th Annual International Conference on Social Science and Contemporary Humanity Development (SSCHD 2019): Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (Wuhan, 15–16 November 2019). Wuhan, 376: 281–286.
  7. Nguyen, S.N. (2020) Operating the Right to Freedom of Belief and Religion in Vietnam’s Legislation, in: 7th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2020-7th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (Dubai, 20–22 January 2020). Dubai, 577–585.




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