Address to the Readers from Editor-in-Chief Vladimir Mazyrin



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Dear authors and readers of the “Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies”!

I am happy that during four years we feel your attention and support to our journal unique in its specialty. During these years the journal united a fairly big and constantly enhancing cohort of interested researchers. Of course, Russian and Vietnamese scholars prevail and their proportion is changing in due direction. At the same time, you can see authors from some Western countries collaborating with our journal. Usually, they are well-known specialists. We would like to increase their participation, also inviting Vietnamists from the United States, where Vietnamese studies have reached a high level.

This special issue (the first in our practice), on the eve of a New, 2022, Year, shows that our desires find understanding and support, that the journal is getting its ratings up, and is transforming into an acknowledged tribune for exposing the results of researches. This issue mostly consists of the papers by young scholars from France, where the school of Vietnamese studies has long and glorious traditions. The proposal of our French colleagues to prepare this joint issue shows that they desire to reach a new, Russian and Vietnamese, and, we hope, the widest world audience. Also, Russian readers will have a unique opportunity to enhance their knowledge of, first and foremost, young French researchers and of French current school of studies of the former French colony. In the last decade, this school experiences the revival and prosperity. It is of great importance, that the French school differs significantly with its themes and scientific methods from the Russian school, and this feature is clearly seen through the articles published in this issue. The editorial staff of the journal readily accepted the invitation of our partners and is contented with the results of this complicated work having been done for nearly a year.

The initiator of such an unusual project, which has had no precedents in our branch of knowledge at least in the recent fifty years, is Benoît de Tréglodé, a famous French scholar. He is not only one of the authors of the journal who encourages his students for the work, but also, he could select eight young Vietnamists in his country and helped them to write interesting and varied articles for this issue (another mature expert on economics has been invited by the Editorial board of the journal). Professor de Tréglodé has written the Preface and short descriptions of the scientific centers where these specialists make researches, write dissertations and work; he has made the survey of a scientific conference on Vietnam and Southeast Asia held in Paris. Also, he has made a bibliography of titles on Vietnam, edited in France in the 21st century. Russian specialists will be able to get acquainted with it.

In the name of the Editorial board of the “Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies” I would like to thank Professor de Tréglodé for selfless big work. I hope that our collaboration will soon be properly continued. I wish young French Vietnamists every success in their work and in their collaboration with our journal and with their Russian colleagues.

Such a collaboration appears to be not only useful, but also exemplary. Therefore, we are addressing the representatives of other countries known with their studies of Vietnam to initiate theedition of analogous special issues of the “Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies” reflecting current development of their national schools of Vietnamese studies.

I wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the readers and authors of the “Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies”. Healthy and prosperous New Year to all of you! Dear colleagues, we invite you to publish your articles in our journal. With your participation it will be better, more interesting and will get higher positions in international scientometric bases.




Об авторах

Vladimir M. Mazyrin

Institute of Far Eastern Studies RAS; Lomonosov Moscow State University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6988-0139

D.Sc. (Economy), Chair of Center for  Vietnam and ASEAN Studies; Professor,  Institute of Asian and African Studies

Россия, Moscow

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© Mazyrin V.M., 2021

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